Closet full of nothing to wear?
How many times have you gone to your closet looking for an outfit only to swipe, swipe, swipe through the hangers feeling blah about your wardrobe?
Then maybe you head online to pick up some fresh pieces. A hundred dollars later, you’ve got a fire look youuuuu may never wear again. After all, an outfit kind of looses it’s edge once “the photoshoot” happens. IYKYK.

THERE'S AN EASIER WAY TO REFRESH YOUR WARDROBE. Truly. Imagine how many other girlies suffer from over-stuffed closets, bags full of donations sitting in their trunk, and a penchant for style. Now imagine getting all those girlies together. What have you got? A clothing swap.

Join us for a Jersey Girl Thrift Clothing Swap!
We’re a second-hand clothing network born from the love of yesterday’s fashion.
We sort through and curate only the best pieces, so you don’t have to!
How It Works!
1. Grab a ticket
2. Clean out your closet
3. Swap and hang!
JGT pop-up clothing swaps are boutique thrifting experiences happening all across North Jersey. Swaps are ticketed events. But that ticket purchase is the only purchase you’ll make for the whole day, as there are no vendors or individually priced items.
Instead, you bring any clothes, shoes, or accessories you’re looking to part ways with. For every bag of contributions you bring, Jersey Girl Thrift will provide a bag to fill with new goodies. The more you bring, the more you can shop the JGT closet of upcycled, stylish clothing!
Our inventory is community-sourced by swappers like you and ran through quality control to makes sure you have the best swapping experience.
How It Works!
Attend one of our community clothing swaps in your neighborhood and shop the JGT closet of upcycled, stylish clothing, or host a private pop-up JGT store of your own for a personalized shopping and styling experience for you and your friends!

About Jersey Girl Thrift
From pop-up shops in your local neighborhood to community clothing swaps with your friends, our mission is to make the thrill of the thrift– the joy of the find– the wild and chic world of style accessible to you through collective, sustainable experiences.
Our inclusive collection (inventory) is largely community-sourced through donations, serving the movement of local mindful fashion, mitigating the need to buy new while fostering a like-minded community. We sort through and curate only the best pieces, so you don’t have to!